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Joyee Eats
Sep 1, 2021
604: Lemon Tree (Richmond)
Many bloggers from Instagram claimed that they make the best bubble waffles, so I had to pay them a visit to verify this. Like Eggette...

Joyee Eats
Mar 15, 2021
604: Bubble Queen (Richmond)
I haven't been back in years and I don't know if the owner has changed or what happened. My friend and I ordered the matcha bubble waffle...

Joyee Eats
Feb 17, 2021
604: The Bubble Waffle Cafe (Richmond)
A few weeks ago, I did a review on Cafe Eggstatic from Burnaby and ever since then, I've been craving my favourite waffle from the Bubble...

Joyee Eats
Jan 13, 2021
604: Cafe Eggstatic é›·äº (Burnaby)
You'd be surprised, but I find that the average quality in the bubble waffle productions here actually exceeds the majority of the...
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